Valuable Articles Insurance in NJ, NY, and PA

When you own a valuable item, your regular homeowners’ insurance may not be enough to cover its full value. These items are of high worth to potential thieves, and you may never recover their value if they are lost and all you have is homeowners’ insurance. Valuable articles insurance may be necessary to ensure you are fully covered.

Are you fully and properly covered for all of your belongings, even your valuable items? The team at Birtwhistle & Livingston can help. Call us at (201) 568-5001 to discuss your needs with our insurance experts.

What Is Valuable Articles Insurance?

Valuable articles insurance is a special insurance policy that covers items of particularly high value. Homeowners’ insurance policies protect your home and its contents, but they usually have coverage limits. If you have a few high-value items within your home, the coverage limit may not be enough to cover their value. In addition, homeowners’ insurance policies may limit the types of items covered, and they may pay only the face value, not the replacement value. This can make it difficult to recover the value of items that are priceless, such as irreplaceable art.

Valuable items insurance covers these items. This coverage goes beyond what your homeowners’ insurance covers, ensuring you get full and adequate repayment if you lose these items due to theft, fire, or other damage.


Call Us at ​(201) 568-5001

Types of Items Covered by Valuable Items Insurance

There are several types of items that may need valuable items coverage for your home and its contents to be fully protected. These include:

  • Jewelry – Jewelry that is of particularity high worth is not something you should hide in a safe. It’s meant to be worn and enjoyed. Valuable items insurance allows you to do so without fear of loss, because your items are covered.
  • Art collections – Valuable artwork is irreplaceable, but valuable items insurance gives you greater coverage to protect your art collections.
  • Wine and spirits – If you have a wine cellar with a valuable collection, make sure it’s properly insured against loss.
  • Valuable collections – Collector’s items can be quite high in value, to the right person. Make sure you have an insurance policy that reflects that value.

Schedule a consultation with Birtwhistle & Livingston to discuss your valuable items and what insurance coverage would be best.

Trust Birtwhistle & Livingston in Englewood to Protect Your Valuables

Don’t leave your valuable items to chance. They’re at high risk for theft, and if you lose them in a fire or other disaster, you may not recover that loss. Trust Birtwhistle & Livingston to have the coverage you need. Our insurance experts and our long list of products offer options to fit your exact requirements.

Contact us now to learn more about valuable item coverage, its benefits, and how you can take measures to protect your jewelry, art, and collections.

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